Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am now a Twitterer

First time on Twitter thanks to this class. I still dont get why people are interested in participating in this network or what the point of updating your most recent events is?

People are exploiting their lives voluntarily, I just dont get it.


  1. As by urban dictionary:
    Twitter aka Text What I'm Thinking To Everyone Reading.

    Twitter; n. - the facebook "status" bar...without the rest of facebook.

    v. - to waste your, my, and everyone else's time with dumbass updates that NO ONE needs to know, nor would EVER care to know.

    I agree with your comment about exploitination. This is exactly what this website is for, people want E-FAME, want to feel important, want to be FOLLOWED? I won't say there's no positives to such, because I'm sure there are...Let me know if you find any =)

  2. To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question.
    There's lot's of reasons to do it. Some pretty banal... "I'm eating a sandwich!" Other reasons are more important... for instance, look what happened recently in Iran, during the student protests. It was the only way the rest of the world received any information about what was happening there. It's more than just E-Fame for some people but for others, yeah - it's a kind of narcissism.
